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The project aims to deploy

Circular end-to-end supply chain orchestration for collaborative workflows which incorporates planning and execution metrics and integrates advanced and multimodal visualisation and analytics. The visualisation is delivered by comprehensive Digital Twins of the supply chains formulated, the factory processes and product design phases.

Supply Chain Optimisation that monitors the global (across the supply chain) and local (within the factory) processes and execution, inputs and outputs and configuration parameters, to enable data-driven AI decision making, this way supporting continuous optimisation of targeted and measured performance and sustainability parameters.

Dynamic Sustainability Assessment functionalities that investigate alternative supply-chain scenarios (varying in terms of materials used, processing technologies, suppliers involved and/or activated circular economy practices) in place of the existing schemes, quickly measuring their performance in terms of environmental sustainability and circular economy profile.

Supply Chain Data Spaces for seamless, multi-level data flow across the supply chain partners, supporting the reuse of materials in novel products, the extension of the life-cycle of finished products (remanufacturing), and data-driven decisions for collaboration of parties offering matching services in the most dynamic and efficient way.

Cybersecure and trustworthy data sharing across the supply chain by employing a distributed, trusted and efficient Identity and Access management system, that together with the associated trust framework will coordinate the identities of all IoT objects and ensure trustworthy.

CM specific tools for the automatic recognition of recyclable parts by modern Machine Vision tools and Advanced Robotics, to enable optimised flows in the selection process.

Novel circular business processes will be demonstrated supporting reusing, reducing, and recycling material in production and consumption systems. The new collaborative production models will provide quantifiable results on the sustainability increase across the supply chain, in terms of efficient use of raw materials, of by-products, of waste and energy and of emissions reduction.

CIRCULOOS leverages the above with the RAMP integrated innovation IOT platform and the European network around it to deliver a CM ecosystem and platform for Manufacturing SMEs.

Skills upskilling and reskilling will be provided in RAMP and through online courses, webinars, and best practice guides and success stories based on the pilots and Experiments for Demonstration (EXDs).