RAMP is a platform specifically designed for Small and Medium size Manufacturers (Manufacturing SMEs). It enables Manufacturing SMEs to collect and analyze factory data, to ensure that you have full understanding of your factory processes and how you can optimize them. It allows you to make informed decisions about your next investment in automation technologies and see their full impact.
RAMP is based on FIWARE open technology ensuring that you are always free to choose the next best automation solution for your factory.

The project will engage the existing RAMP community to promote further collaborations in the manufacturing domain. New partnerships are supported by RAMP’s networking and platform features such as matchmaking, setting bids for the provision of services, new features supporting the collaborative, circular production and LCA calculation – all realized in this new digital ecosystem.

CIRCULOOS understands that quality and trusted data is key to choosing alternative production scenarios:

  • Which sources do I use for my production?
  • Does my process need to change to comply with new sources?
  • How do I find the trade-off between cost, production delays and making greener products?

CIRCULOOS tries to answer this type of question from a data-driven viewpoint and picks project pilots with leather products, plastic accessories and wood-based manufacturing as their starting points.

RAMP and CIRCULOOS fully use tested digital technologies to materialize this vision.

They benefit from FIWARE in terms of an enriched development environment with a set of standard APIs, and open-source components that enable the full adoption of Cyber-Physical IOT technology.

In addition, they benefit from employing a distributed, trusted and efficient Identity and Access management system that, together with the associated trust framework, will coordinate the identities of all IoT objects and ensure trustworthy data sharing among its members, aligned with the trust framework that is being implemented in EBSI.

CIRCULOOS offers a high-quality environment and continuous upskilling opportunities. It’s about ensuring nobody lags in this fast-paced journey towards a circular economy.

RAMP plays a pivotal role here, providing upskilling and reskilling through free online courses, webinars, best practice guides, and success stories gleaned from pilots and Experiments for Demonstration (EXDs).

Through open callsmanufacturing and innovation SMEs join hands to design and propose disruptive recycling, remanufacturing, and refurbishment cases, all powered by the CIRCULOOS platform and its tools. The focus will be the reusability of tools and processes, which will be emphasized by sharing these results and experiences on RAMP platform. By allocating a substantial 3.6 million Euros to open calls, CIRCULOOS believes in fostering agility and sustainability across supply chains, through innovative SMEs and startups driven by collaboration and innovation.

Among the 18 experiments that will take place, three will be used as pilots to demonstrate and validate CIRCULOOS framework. The three selected pilots are tasked with defining tool requirements and specifications and rapidly testing them with agile and flexible supply chain orchestration.