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Adopt circular economy principles: Join the CIRCULOOS Expression of Interest!

πŸ”„ Welcome to the 2nd CIRCULOOS Newsletter. Our mission remains: promoting sustainability through circular manufacturing practices. Supported by the European Commission, we assist SMEs in adopting circular economy principles, offering tools to manage and improve sustainable production across the supply chain with innovative processes.

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πŸ“’ Open Call

We’re excited to announce the CIRCULOOS Expression of Interest (EOI) – an opportunity for supply chain actors across diverse manufacturing sectors (e.g., metal, construction, electrical, furniture, leather, machinery, vehicles, wood, plastic) to collaborate on forming Innovative Circular Supply Chains. The goal is implementing circular strategies and demonstrating new business models that improve circularity indexes.

All EOIs will be published to facilitate collaboration, allowing parties to form value chains and apply for funding in upcoming Open Calls #2 and #3. Participants gain access to matchmaking and information activities organised by CIRCULOOS, helping them prepare applications for funding up to 240K€/team.

🌐 Apply now!

🌍 10 Good Reasons for Manufacturing SMEs to Adopt Circular Economy Principles in Europe

The European Union has initiated actions to transition to a carbon-neutral, resource-efficient economy, significantly involving SMEs in this journey. Circular economy practices can also boost profitability by reducing e-waste, extending product lifespans, and halting biodiversity loss. The new regulations, such as mandatory replaceable batteries in smartphones by 2027 and initiatives like Back Market’s refurbished electronics, highlight practical steps towards sustainability. Key strategies include empowering consumers through proposals for repair rights and promoting sustainable product designs.

🌐 Learn more about these reasons here

🀝 New Collaboration with the Reincarnate Project

CIRCULOOS is excited to announce a collaboration with the Reincarnate project, aimed at reducing construction and demolition waste (CDW) in the European construction industry. Over four years, 16 organizations will develop a Circular Potential Assessment Information Model (CP-IM) and ten innovations to promote reuse and high-quality recycling of building materials. Overcoming challenges such as digital adoption and regulatory barriers, Reincarnate will demonstrate its innovations across 11 projects in Europe and China.

🌐 Discover more about Reincarnate here

πŸ‘₯ Introducing our Project Coordinator: EUROPEAN DYNAMICS

Anastasia Garbi and Themis Kolyvas lead the CIRCULOOS project at EUROPEAN DYNAMICS. Specializing in e-government applications, EUROPEAN DYNAMICS brings extensive management and technical expertise to the project. As project coordinators and technical partners, EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is expanding RAMP and MPMS capabilities to integrate advanced circular economy concepts, fostering cyber-secure data-sharing frameworks, and driving the establishment of a Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) network.

🌐 Learn more about EUROPEAN DYNAMICS here

πŸ’» Sustainability and Circular Economy Decision-Making using GRETA

GRETA (Green Targets), developed by University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland , is a web-based tool used in CIRCULOOS for sustainability and circular practice decision-making. By providing holistic sustainability profiles covering environmental, social, and economic aspects, GRETA facilitates sustainability assessments and comparative analyses. Integrating GRETA with other CIRCULOOS tools allows visualization of key performance indicators (KPIs), enhancing decision-making for optimal solutions.

🌐 Explore GRETA’s capabilities here

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