Discover the Open Calls within the I4MS2 projects

As a Horizon Europe-funded project, CIRCULOOS is part of the I4MS2 initiatives—, WASABI, CIRCULOOS, AI REDGIO 5.0, and AIRISE—aimed to transform the European manufacturing sector. These initiatives share a common goal: to make manufacturing companies, particularly SMEs and small mid-caps, more sustainable, resilient, and competitive.

By leveraging advanced digital technologies and enhancing workforce skills, these projects will create safer, more attractive jobs and foster innovation across the industry. They also aim to lower barriers to technology adoption, ensuring that cutting-edge solutions benefit the entire manufacturing community. All of them have open calls, such as CIRCULOOS has now opened its Expression of Interest.

CIRCULOOS Expression of Interest (EOI) aims to engage supply chain actors across various manufacturing industries (e.g., metal, construction, electrical, furniture, leather, machinery, vehicles, wood, plastic) that want to engage in circular business with other complementary entities, forming Innovative Circular Supply Chains.

All EOIs will be published to facilitate collaboration, allowing parties to form value chains and apply for funding in upcoming Open Calls #2 and #3. Participants gain access to matchmaking and information activities organised by CIRCULOOS, helping them prepare applications for funding up to 240K€/team.


The AIRISE project aims to create a framework to support European SMEs in the uptake of Artificial Intelligence applied in manufacturing, focusing on a reduction of waste and carbon footprint while ensuring resiliency. AIRISE Open Calls are your opportunity to get started with AI in manufacturing, offering expert support as well as funding. The main aim of these calls is to initiate cooperations, where you bring your challenge to be solved by AI as well as your domain-specific expertise, while AIRISE supports with AI expertise to deploy an AI-enabled solution. The aim is to teach and to connect so that new solutions can be developed that make companies more competitive.

Who can apply? Manufacturing SMEs that want to apply AI solutions in their shopfloor

What do you need to do? Describe your challenge, Outline how AI could help you solve it, and Outline a proposed implementation plan.

What do you gain? AIRISE expertise and support offered as AI Services, along 5 service areas (Design and Engineering, Process Monitoring and Control, Manufacturing Operations, Supply Chain); Training on AI; and Financial support

How can you apply? Apply online!

Currently 2 calls are opened

Open Call for Experiments on AI-in-Manufacturing

Targeting SMEs that want to start/experiment using AI in their manufacturing environment

Submission deadline: September 30th 2024, 1700 Brussels Time

Maximum grant per party: 40.000 Euros

Open Call for Pilot Applications on AI-in-Manufacturing

Targeting SMEs that already have experience using AI and want to scale up its use in their manufacturing environment

Submission deadline: September 30th 2024, 1700 Brussels Time

Maximum grant per party: 60.000 Euros

🌐 Enjoy our newest webcast with a bit more detail on the open calls

🌐 Follow AIRISE on LinkedIn



WASABI focuses on digital intelligent assistance solutions, based on human-AI collaboration, and applied to the manufacturing domain. The WASABI solution increases the cognitive abilities of workers and accelerates the acquisition and transfer of knowledge, through Natural Language Processing (NLP) system, for the upskilling of the existing workforce, meanwhile securing job positions.

Its open call is now available and it is a huge opportunity for SMEs and Small Mid-caps to participate in the process of Digital Transformation of Industry 5.0, receiving complementary funding for the full implementation of their experiments.

You can now receive up to €125.000,00 to implement a digital intelligent assistant in your SME!

All applications must be received by 17:00 CEST on 20th September 2024.

🌐 Follow the WASABI project on LinkedIn

🌐 Follow the WASABI project on X


1. Guide for Applicants

2. Proposal Template

3. Submission Platform


The AI REDGIO 5.0 project focuses on renovating and extending the alliance between Vanguard European regions and Digital Innovation Hubs, taking into account the outcomes of H2020 I4MS AI REGIO and implementing a competitive AI-at-the-Edge Digital Transformation of Industry 5.0 Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises.

The second Open Call will be launched in October 2024 to support 10 SME-driven experiments. The call will be open for 3 months, while experiments should be completed in 6 months.

🌐 Follow AI REDGIO 5.0 on LinkedIn!

🌐 Follow AI REDGIO 5.0 on X!

📬 Stay updated and join the transformation of the European manufacturing sector by empowering SMEs and small mid-caps by applying to these open calls!

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